Thanksgiving 2024- Thanksgiving 2025 Hiking Goals:
In no particular order this time. With a goal of 80 total hikes for the year.
- Kid-chosen hikes. At least each kid choosing one or two hikes.
- An overnight hike. This year is our year!
- New national/state parks. We haven’t decided how many.
- Dog hikes
- Water hikes
- Hikes with friends
- Swimming hike (separate from water hike)
- Fishing hike (separate from water hike)
- Cooking hike
- Night hike
- Hot chocolate hike
- Out of the country hike (big dreams!)
- Southwest hike
- Hike with a view
- Hike with a waterfall
- Snow hike
- Hike by the sea
- Hike led by each one of the kids
- a 3 mile hike
- a 4 mile hike
- a 5 mile hike
Thanksgiving 2023- Thanksgiving 2024 Hiking Goals:
The kids always want to do a 10 list, so that’s what we are doing this year!
- 10 pre-baby hikes
- 9 dog hikes
- 8 hikes with friends
- 7 kid-chosen hikes
- 6 hiking dates
- 5 new national or state parks/historic sites
- 4 special snack hikes (like the hot chocolate hike!)
- 3 water hikes
- 2 new state hikes
- 1 overnight hike
Thanksgiving 2022- Thanksgiving 2023 Hiking Goals:
- 100 hikes total minimum
- 20 new trails
- Anything we didn’t accomplish these past two years:
- Wildflower Hike
- Overnight hike
- Hike in every state that touches Missouri (except Nebraska)
Working getting to all 50 states before Jimmy turns 18!

Past Goals
Thanksgiving 2021- Thanksgiving 2022 Hiking Goals:
- Tackle Taum Sauk
- Hike somewhere out west
- Overnight hike
- One hike in every state that touches Missouri
- Wildflower hike
- Orienteering hike
- minimum one hike per week
2021 Susan’s Yoga Goal: Practice every time it is scheduled on my calendar.
2021 Susan’s Art Goal: At least one piece per week
2021 Susan’s Book Goal: One personal fun book per month- glad to get back to reading for pleasure!
Thanksgiving 2020- Thanksgiving 2021 Hiking Goals:
- 10 brand new trails
- 9
- 8 camping trips with hikes (either backpacking or otherwise)
- 7 waterfalls
- 6
- 5
- 4
- 3 National Parks
- 2
- 1 Bucket List Hike
Thanksgiving 2019- Thanksgiving 2020 Hiking Goals:
- 5 waterfalls
- 1 National Forest
- 1 National Park/Monument
- 2 bodies of water
- 1 stewardship hike
- 1 introduce someone to hiking
- 1 sunrise/sunset
- 1 bucket list hike
- 3 reflection hikes
- 139 Hikes Accomplished (recap here)
Thanksgiving 2018- Thanksgiving 2019 Hiking Goals:
Goal: 52 Hikes
Accomplished: 61 Hikes (recap here)
Sources: 52 Hike Challenge