Highlight Reel
People say that social media is everybody’s highlight reel. And I certainly post the big things that are happening in our lives, but my highlights are not necessarily just the things I’m posting.
My highlights are the random Wednesday evening dessert and we decide to play a game and share some belly laughs.
Or, alternatively, the “grab some impulse buy from the freezer” Tuesday night treat.
Or watching my kids freely create in the space we have designed for them to do so.
Or when they inspire me and push me to do the same.
Or when the kids decide to have a sibling sleepover in the basement.

Or when the boy and his best friend cuddle on the couch watching a movie.
Or when I’m scared and my husband comforts me.

Or I get reminded who I am through some conversation with someone- a family member, a friend, my man- who popped up with just the right words at just the right time on a random Thursday evening.

Or when the kids want to work together to make our house our home.
Or the silly selfie photos we take with my parents when my dad is making us laugh with his terrible faces.
Or when you are just looking at your child and you realize he’s all of the sudden so grown up and your heart swells with love and pride at the sight of him.
Or my friend and my husband helping me do Girl Scout stuff in the kitchen.
Or we visit family on a random weeknight.
Or when someone has had a hard day and they ask, will you play with me/ will you jump with me/ will you talk with me. Be with me.

Or in the everyday guess what I learned guess what I found out guess what I read watch this look at me.

Or the night we are too exhausted to do another darn thing, so we do a late dinner at the Mexican restaurant across the street even though we totally shouldn’t on many levels.
Or when they celebrate each other’s lives together.
Or driving the kids to their activities.
Or the conversations on the way to and from school.
Or in the relationships collectively but also individually- we witness grow and love each day.

Or hearing them share secrets and tell stories about their day. The best is when they ASK each other. 😀

Or the little lessons we learn and teach- explicitly, by example, and by lived experiences.

Or those Friday night transitions where either we are holding space for our kids’ transition or for our own transition.

Or the FaceTime calls when we are apart.
These moments are the highlight of my life. They are messy, but they are real.
My family has experienced quite a lot of tragedy so far this year. I have been on a weird and wonderful journey career-wise, and otherwise quite honestly. My husband and I have spent years healing and growing from our divorces. Our kids are growing growing growing. Some of it is quiet and slow til it hits you- hey! We grew! We made progress! Some of it hits you like a ton of bricks. But all in all, in between those tragedies and triumphs, we create this fabric of life to treasure and that is truly my highlight.