Watercolor Wednesday: Rainbow Parrot
Last week for watercolor Wednesday, I let Rami choose a project. He chose the Rainbow Parrot project by Let’s Make Art. Let’s Make Art is an ah-mazing company that offers subscription boxes of art supplies and projects. They have a YouTube channel with tons of FREE tutorials for watercolor, art journaling, lettering, and kids’ art! They have all different levels of ability, and I highly recommend them.
Anyway. More about them next week though.
So the best thing about these rainbow parrots is that we get to use the straw blowing technique- I’m pretty sure that’s the technical name, ha ha. I have used this on a few projects with the kids, and it is something they always really enjoy. I mean, who doesn’t? Word of warning- if you have a very concrete thinking child, they might not enjoy the unpredictability of the paint blowing. Just frontload for them, telling them about the process and that it is very loose and it is fun to see where the colors may blow and how they may mix! Keep it positive, and they will really enjoy it.
We were unable to trace the outline, so we free handed it. I actually think the kids really enjoyed this aspect of it. You will notice that Nick doesn’t always participate. He was really excited about this project for some reason and got super into it. That was fun! Lucy, who is usually very amped about Watercolor Wednesday chose not to participate in this project, but she did hang out with us. She wanted to learn how to draw a ferret. She had a very, very hard time with it and got really frustrated. I was so proud of her because she was able to say her feelings, and even though she said she was going to quit multiple times, she never actually did. She ended up with a ferret she was very proud of!
Jimmy painted along with us too, though he didn’t quite grasp the straw part despite many attempts at helping him. 🙂
Fun project! Thanks, Let’s Make Art!
Find the Rainbow Parrot Tutorial on Let’s Make Art’s YouTube channel!
August 16, 2021 @ 7:53 pm
Channel their inner artist and foodie by making Rainbow Toast with Edible Paint. Milk, bread, coloring and creativity are all your kids need to create an edible masterpiece for a fun breakfast, snack or sandwich. Add 3 drops red coloring to one cup, 3 drops blue coloring into a second cup, 3 drops yellow coloring into a third cup, 3 drops red and 3 drops blue into a fourth cup to make purple, 3 drops red and 3 drops yellow to make orange, and 3 drops blue and 3 drops yellow to make green. Stir each cup until vibrant color appears.